
Florida Atlantic University is a StormReady®  University.  All FAU campuses are recognized as StormReady®. 在总统宣布的所有灾害中,大约90%与天气有关, leading to around 500 deaths per year and nearly $14 billion in damage.  StormReady®始于1999年,旨在帮助社区验证其应对恶劣天气所需的通信能力和安全技能. StormReady® communities are better prepared through improved planning, education, and awareness programs. 虽然没有任何社区能够抵御风暴,但StormReady®确实有助于拯救生命. 


The StormReady® Program

SkyWarn®  Program

SkyWarn®是美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)国家气象局(NWS)的恶劣天气发现计划,拥有近290个,000 trained volunteers nationwide.

The NWS’s mission is to protect  lives and property. 当天气条件有利时,预计会形成强烈的雷暴或龙卷风, a  Severe Thunderstorm or  Tornado WATCH is issued. 严重雷暴或龙卷风警告是由天空警报观测员报告或多普勒雷达显示的恶劣天气发出的.
天空预警志愿者成为国家气象局和当地应急管理部门的眼睛和耳朵, helping to provide better weather watch and warning services.

 Storm Spotter Program

FAU风暴观测者是一个大学范围内的志愿者网络,由NWS培训报告重要天气. Everyone is encouraged to participate.

每当有恶劣天气威胁或国家气象局发出强雷暴或龙卷风警报时,国家气象局和/或当地应急管理当局可启动风暴观测网. 在这种情况下,信息可以通过业余无线电中继器传递.


A Guide to Reporting Severe Weather:

What to Report:

Urgent Priority
  • Tornado
  • Funnel Cloud
  • Rotatinf Wall Cloud
  • Flash Flood
High Priority
  • Hail 3/4 inch diameter or larger
  • Wind speed greater than 58mph
  • Persistent non-rotating wall cloud
  • Rainfall 1 inch or more per hour
Low Priority
  • Hail 1/2 inch diameter or larger
  • Wind speed greater than 40mph
  • Cloud features suggesting storm organization 
  • Other locally-defined criteria
Do Not Report 
  • Lightning 
  • Small hail (less than dime size)
  • Wind speed less than 40mph
  • Non-flooding rainfall
  • Damage not weather-related


Speed (mph) Effects
25-30 Large branches in motion; whistling in utility wires; empty trash cans blown several yards; hats blow off
31-40 Whole trees in motion; leaves and twigs blown off; difficult to handle high profile vehicles; small umbrellas damaged
41-57 Large palm fronds down; weak branches (e.g. umbrella trees) broken; ripe fruit blown off tree; patio furniture and potted plants overturned; difficult driving all vehicles; umbrellas destroyed
58-73 Large tree limbs broken; shallow rooted trees pushed over; un-ripened fruit blown off trees; awnings/antennae twisted; porch screening ripped loose; mobile homes damaged; signs bent and some traffic signals downed; some truck trailers toppled; difficulty walking
74-110 (Hurricane strength) Numerous trees uprooted; highway signs blown down or twisted; screened patios heavily damaged; windows broken; some shingles blown off frame houses; mobile homes severely damaged; utility wires down; cars overturned; unable to stand without holding on

How to Report

  • 如发现恶劣天气,请立即致电(561)297-3500与大学警察联络.  (When in doubt, make your report anyway).
  • 证明自己是一名训练有素的风暴观测员,并提供您的SkyWarn®认证号码.
  • Provide your name and location.
  • Give the details. Always use the "Four Ws" when reporting.
  • What you saw:
    • 报告任何强风(每小时50英里或更高),或任何造成破坏的风.
    • Report any hail. Refer to hail size in comparison to coin (dime, nickel, penny, quarter). DO NOT mention "marble" size hail.
    • Report funnel clouds, wall clouds, tornadoes or water spouts. Remember, rotation and persistence are the keys!
    • Report damage (even well after the event).
    • Report flooding.
  • When you saw it:
    • The direction and distance from a known location or intersection.
  • When you saw it:
    • Make sure you note the time of the observation.
  • What it is doing:
    • 描述风暴的方向和移动速度、大小、强度和破坏力.
What Does It Mean to be StormReady®?
有六个准则描述了必须满足的要求,以符合StormReady®大学的资格. 所有StormReady®社区必须每三年更新一次其指定. 以下是KU体育官网APP的要求说明.

1. Communications & Coordination Center

FAU有一个“24小时预警点”,接收国家气象局的信息,并提供当地报告和建议. This operation is the University Police Dispatch Center. Our 24-hour warning point:

  • Operates 24/7/365.
  • 当恶劣天气警报发布时,接收来自当地市政当局和县的通知.
  • Activates modules within the  FAU Alert System.

FAU also has an Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Members of the EOC include senior administration, key decision makers, and the emergency management staff. 大学校长或指定人员可根据既定程序启动平机会.

2. National Weather Service Warning Reception


  • NOAA Weather Radio.
  • 私营部门的网络供应商和直接互联网接入国家气象局的信息和警告.
  • Statewide and local municipality, county, state telecommunications.
  • Local radio and television broadcasts.

3. Hydrometeorological Monitoring

In addition to the above sources of weather information, FAU利用互联网和移动设备作为收集辅助天气信息的手段,包括高清和多普勒雷达.

4. Warning Dissemination

FAU Alert modules  可作为确保及时向大学社区发出警告的手段.

5. University Community Preparedness

FAU recognizes the value of educating students, faculty, 向工作人员介绍恶劣天气以及如何正确应对天气威胁. 我们大学社区的成员更有可能寻求额外的方法来接收天气警告, recognize potentially threatening weather situations, 并在恶劣天气来袭时采取适当行动. To that end, FAU:

  • Conducts preparedness presentations and talks.
  • 推广并鼓励参加国家气象局的SKYWARN天气观测员培训.

6. Administrative

FAU的高级管理人员和关键领导支持StormReady®计划的要求. 已正式制定并保持书面计划和程序,以提供:

  • Emergency Response and Continuity of Operations.
  • 风暴观测员激活标准,报告程序,花名册和训练记录.
  • Standard operating procedures for activation of the FAU Alert System.
  • Exercises and training.

For all EMERGENCY CALLS dial 9-1-1


Contact Us

Campus Operations Building
(69) Boca Raton Campus
