
What does it mean to be 猫头鹰准备好了?


- Building, sustaining and improving individual, unit and university readiness and resilience.

- Engaging the internal and external communities.

- Developing University and campus plans, training & 练习.

- Communicating to the University's constituents with One Voice.

- Working with local, regional, state and federal entities, and other key stakeholders.


- Engaging all staff in planning and preparedness efforts.

- Developing robust unit plans to prepare for, respond to and recover from  campus-specific and unit-specific emergencies.

- Setting and managing expectations regarding roles and responsibilities for all staff, 特别是, 必要的人员. 

- Ensuring that any Non-FAU entities that you work with and routinely find themselves on any of FAU's campuses have emergency plans that align with yours and the University's. 

- Ensuring communication protocols are in place to contact staff and for staff to contact their immediate supervisors. 

- Knowing how to get official information from the University, including 能力警报. 

- Signing up for 能力警报 modalities of text message and phone calls (all FAU-issued cell phones are required to be signed up for 能力警报 modules - text messaging and cell phones).

- Having unit-specific emergency kits ready!


-集中注意力! 不要分心! 注意:

- As you walk across campus,

- As you get out of your car,

- To your exits and places to hide when you're in buildings - classrooms, offices, etc.,


- To behavior or things that are out of place. If it doesn't feel right, or look right, it's NOT right!

- See Something, Say Something! What's the "something": it can be behavior or items. 不要用解释来搪塞! Don't be afraid to or wait for someone else to report. 

- Having a plan (and options). When the time comes to implement it, evaluate your best option and then DO IT!

- Having emergency kits, including medications.

- Knowing where to get official information, such as 能力警报! Sign up for 能力警报 modules: text messaging and phones calls! 

- Activating the “Government Alerts” feature on your cell phone to receive real-time notifications, 包括龙卷风警报.

-寻求庇护/安全, then seeking further information, if you're not clear about the emergency situation. 

- Having a family communication plan. 

- Updating your emergency contact information within Banner (学生) and Workday (employees) so that should there be a need, University 官员 can contact next of kin.


- Working with and informing your RAs or Area Head Office of your emergency plans, including hurrincae evacuation plan, and whether you will need accomodation assistance.

- Having an emergency plan for you, any service animal in your care, 您的运输方式, and emergency kits for sheltering at a local shelter, or traveling and staying elsewhere.

- Having a family communication plan and notify your parents or loved ones and/or guardians.

- Preparing your room for evacuation, such as a hurricane

- All valuable items should be covered in plastic and stored off the floor to avoid water damage.

- All windows and blinds must be closed.

- All electrical appliances must be turned off and unplugged.



猫头鹰准备好了 is the official preparedness and safety app of KU体育官网APP. It was developed collaboratively between the Department of 紧急 Management and the FAU Police Department.

With this dynamic feature-rich mobile application you are able to: 

紧急 and Non-紧急 Contacts: Easily access emergency and non-emergency contacts and dial directly from the application.

虚拟朋友散步:  Recruit friends and family to virtually accompany you on your walk at night.

报告安全问题: See something, say something. Report a safety/security concern to appropriate University. 官员.

移动蓝光:  Turn your phone into a Mobile Blue Light - Send your location to FAU PD in real-time in case of a crisis.

紧急访问指南: Easily access emergency guides for a variety of situations.

查看当前天气:  Obtain current weather updates for all of FAU locations.

接收FAU提醒:  Receive emergency alerts from the 能力警报 System.

语言翻译: Easily translate words, phrases, and web pages.

社区参与: View upcoming and past events hosted by the Department of 紧急 Management.

立即下载:  Android应用程序在Google play  |  应用程序商店


For all EMERGENCY CALLS dial 9-1-1




电子邮件: em@tayhgd.net